Archive | December, 2012

Whatz Happening – December 2012 DMA GAB-RRR is Out!

28 Dec

Click on link below to view latest DMA Newsletter covering the November Meeting and the December Holiday Party: 

DMA GAB-RRR December 2012

DMA Dec 2012 GAB-RRR

Hope to see you at our next meeting on Tuesday January 8th

at the Duluth Rexall Grill!

Holiday Cheer, Carols and Connecting

6 Dec
Holiday Cheer Carols and Connecting

When we include music in our speaking engagements, we connect more intimately with our audience.  During the holiday season we are all about connecting!  This season our props were our guitar and keyboard at the Duluth Merchants Association annual Holiday party.

DMA members and guests at the 2012 DMA Holiday Party

We entertained and engaged DMA members and guests,  providing music, singing, and holiday trivia.  Good food, caroling, networking and holiday spirits prevailed.

DMA Holiday Party Event Dec 2012_Sheri and Bill
Connecting at DMA Holiday Party
Holiday Trivia is always a hit!

As Boomers focusing on healthy aging, we enjoy sharing music as part of our Active Positive Lifestyle.  The holiday season allows us to include everyone’s favorite carols in the musical portion of our presentations–just another great way to provide musical holiday spice while connecting with others!  Positively speaking, Sheri & Bill Eppright, Positive Public Image, Inc.

As photo journalists, public speakers and seniors, we promote Active Positive Lifestyles and Healthy Aging in America.If you would like us to promote your event or speak with your group or organization, please contact us…we would love to hear from you!